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Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Religions for Peace and Harmony
Talk given on Yagam, 4th May 2008, Airoli
"The theme 'religions for peace and harmony' assumes a special significance against the background of the actual situation of rivalry, conflict and even hatred that seems to have crept into the structural religious life of the followers of religions. Could it be that religion as such is at fault? Or some other factors that are alien or even contrary to the very reality and purpose of religion? It is accepted by all that religions promote love and care for each other, and that no religion worthy of its name encourages hatred and inequity. Hence it is worthwhile to delve deep into the problem and strike at the root cause of the evil that has a variety of progenies. I may confine myself to the Christian perspective.
In Christianity, it is believed that God has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ, and that he is the word of God eternally subsisting with God and has become man in time. In the person of Jesus Christ, the human nature has been united to Him so that He is true God and true man. It is believed in Christianity that Jesus Christ remains the central focus of humanity and the norm for Christian religious practices.
A genuine and authentic practice of Christianity will certainly be a sure means of achieving peace and harmony in our society. This is clearer still when we consider and understand the real nature and meaning of peace. Peace is not merely the absence of war or conflicts. As one of the Christian Saints, Saint Augustine of the 4th Century, puts it: “It is the tranquility of order, an order established by God and maintained by Him.” Fr. Oscar Romero of the 20th century states, "Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is dynamism. peace is generosity. It is a right and it is a duty."
"To maintain that order of tranquility, there are four essential conditions to be maintained in the society. They are truth, justice, love and freedom. These are the strong pillars on which peace is built up and sustained. Peace is at stake and this harmony is lost when all, or any, of these pillars are weakened. Close attention to each of these four essential conditions of peace is required to evaluate the possibility of sustaining peace in our society. If religions have a role in the attainment of peace and harmony in the human society, in the world it is done through the strengthening of these essential conditions as the bedrock of peace. This, in turn, is a matter of human mind and heart in times of inner transformation, which, in fact, is the realm of religion. The source of good or evil is the heart of men, on the individual or collective level. Hence inorder to have world peace, first, the change should take place from within; then the world will change automatically.
In order to live in mutual respect with people of other faiths, it seems to me that the following are very important as Christian principles:
1. The Importance of Faith and Love
Why is faith important? It is simple. We cannot do everything ourselves. We need our faith in God to get us through. Many think they do not need faith, but they often lead partial, unfulfilled, discordant, out-of-control lives. Their lives are filled with needless, self-caused suffering. Faith keeps you on track in the midst of the problems of life. When life gets hard, faith is the foundation for the hope that gets you through. Faith helps you survive and flourish.
“Of all the commandments, which is the most important? “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” The second is this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:28-31).
Faith in Jesus Christ will get you through to full life as a whole person, and to living in the love of the Lord for ever.
2. Believe in God’s World
God created the world to work in certain ways and not in others. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28.) This is God’s harmony for your life and it is good. Open your heart to him, love him as he loves you, and help fulfill his purpose by being all you can be. You will need God’s help to do it, but the result will be a life-long, precious friendship that guides you to full life, which results in you living your part in God's purpose.
God created you to respond to the circumstances in your life in ways that lead to your fulfillment as a whole person. When you do that, you live the way God created you to live, and you help bring about the Kingdom of God. You help carry out God’s plan for the universe. You do your part for all of existence. Your reward is a full life as a whole person in this life (including your relationships with God, with yourself, your family, other people and all of existence) and living in the love of the Lord forever. Living God’s way is precious to you.
3. Believe in God’s Way
God’s way is your way. God wants you to succeed in life. God created you to succeed in life. God loves you and will show you the way to full life, if you will listen and follow his way. It does make a difference whether you live your life God’s way or some other way. The other ways lead to sin, suffering and death. God’s way leads to full life as a whole person.
God’s way is not difficult. It is comfortable, because it is right. You were born to live that way. Jesus said, “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11: 30). Of course it is! When you are living in harmony with all around you as you were created to live, it is right, easy and light. The reward of people who live that way is full life. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10).
4. Believe in Righteousness
Righteousness is simply living rightly as God created you to live. It is not living like an obedient, unthinking slave. It is living in freedom and choosing the right response to every aspect of life, not because it is commanded, but because it is right for you. It leads to full life for you. God’s way is the right way. Righteousness means believing God.
5. Believe in God’s Commandments
God knows something about the people he created. They do not always choose the righteous alternative. Sometimes they are weak or distracted, or rush headlong into sin. They do not always know what is the right thing to do. God’s solution is to tell them what is the right way, but to let them decide for themselves what they will do. More accurately, God respects each person’s free will, the necessity to decide for himself or herself. Therefore God tells people what attitudes and values to have when they make decisions, so they will make righteous decisions. These are God’s teachings that have the force of right. They are called God’s commands. They have been lovingly given to us to help us decide to live rightly, as God created us to live. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14: 15).
6. Believe in God’s Love And Friendship
“If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” (John 14: 23). This is a precious friendship offered to all people by God.
7. Believe in God’s Help
God helps us learn how to live rightly and defeat sin. God helps us to keep balance and harmony in our lives, so we will live righteously and fully. God helps us by giving us an example of how to live successfully.
In India we train a small, young elephant how to work and live successfully, not by giving him a book, or sending him to school, but by example. We chain the little elephant to a big elephant. Eventually, after much useless pulling and rebellion, the little elephant learns to do what the big elephant does.
Jesus Christ is our big elephant. He is one of God’s gifts to help us live right. We can understand our relationship to God by following the life of Jesus. He is our teacher and perfect example. When we fall, he is merciful, forgives the truly repentant, and compassionately helps us up to full life again.
When Jesus was physically on earth, he could not be everywhere, with everyone at once, but Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be. “If you love me you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - the Spirit of Truth.” (John 14: 15-17). “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14: 25-26). “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.” (John 16: 12-13).
8. Believe in the Trinity
Christians believe in the Trinity, God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is all God. We experience God in different ways. God the Father is the awesome creator of the universe, so big we cannot understand him, so he came to earth as a human, Jesus Christ, to show us in human terms how to relate to him and how to live successfully. He knew we needed him to live successfully as whole persons. Yet he could not be everywhere at once as a human, so he left the earth physically and gave us God the Holy Spirit, which we can experience inside each of us as inner friendship with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is our inner, spiritual friend and guide to full life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus reminds us of what he taught, and guides us into all truth. Inner friendship with Jesus Christ through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit is each Christian’s loving guide to full life as a whole person.
9. Believe in Doing Good
In the Christian Scriptures, we read about a man seeking to justify himself. He asks Jesus who his neighbour is. Through the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus changes the terms of the question. The question is not who one’s neighbour is, but rather who made himself a neighbour to the poor man who fell victim to the violence of robbers. The reply should continually echo in our minds and hearts: "The one who showed mercy to him" (Lk. 10:29-37). Mercy is the fruit of a love which recognizes in all those who suffer the dignity of human beings, whatever their condition, nationality or religion. This compassionate love knows no enemies, only brothers and sisters; it is universal. The wounds of humanity cannot leave us indifferent; we must heal, console, care for the multitudes of suffering individuals and peoples. Your present Assembly, by addressing the causes of suffering, can be instrumental in enlightening consciences regarding the profound human solidarity without which peace is impossible.
At this juncture, I would like to recall the great services and good works done by Blessed Mother Theresa and several other great Christian missionaries to the humanity.
10. Believe in Inner Friendship
There are so many new choices to make, inner friendship with Jesus is an especially needed blessing for you today. Receive spiritual guidance for your life from your inner friend, Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
When you do something you are not sure about, or you are thinking about doing it, check how you feel inside, spiritually about it. Do you feel calm and peaceful about it? Do you feel you are in harmony with all around you? Do you feel you are calmly in the center of God’s harmony for your life? If you do, your inner friend is telling you it is right for you. Do it. Do it humbly and righteously, but do it.
However, if you feel anxious about it, your inner friend may be telling you there is something wrong. You may want to think it over more, before you commit to doing it.
When you realize how accurate, loving and full of grace his guidance is, you will love your inner friend for loving you and taking care of you. Pray, ask for guidance, and be alert to the inner feelings of answered prayer. This is your personal experience with the Living Lord. What a blessing is inner friendship with Jesus Christ. What a friend we have in Jesus.
In the teachings of the present pope Benedict XVI one can observe that a deeper appreciation of love and global harmony based upon universal forgiveness and religious moderation. His Holiness insists that peaceful moderation and forgiveness are the cornerstones of the Christian message of the Gospel.

John Paul II, said it several times especially on 26 Oct. 1994 that today, religious leaders must clearly show that they are pledged to the promotion of peace precisely because of their religious belief. Religion is not, and must not become, a pretext for conflict.

I hope this Inter-faith dialogue, will promote the true values of religions and help the religions to remain instrumental in bringing about worldwide peace and harmony among the people of the world. While I thank the organizers of this Inter-faith dialogue for having given me the opportunity to share my religious and faith convictions with you, while I express the hope that all of you will be builders of peace among the peoples and countries, Let me quote also Pope John XXIII,: “May he banish from the hearts of people whatever might endanger peace; may he transform them into witnesses of truth, justice and brotherly love. May he enlighten the rulers of peoples so that, in addition to their solicitude for the welfare of their citizens, they may also guarantee and defend the great gift of peace; may he enkindle the wills of all so that they may overcome the barriers which divide, cherish the bonds of mutual love, learn to understand one another and to pardon those who have done them wrong. By virtue of his action may all peoples of the earth become as brothers and sisters to one another, and may the peace they long for ever flower and ever reign among them”.

Fr. Francis Eluvathingal

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