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Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Major Archbishop and Election in the Syro-Malabar Church

Both CCEO and the Particular law of the Syro-malabar Church are quoted in the text.

1. What is the Procedure for Electing a New Archbishop

Major Archiepiscopal see has become vacant on death of the Major Archbishop. A Major Archbishop is canonically elected in the synod of bishops of the Major Archiepiscopal church (CCEO c. 63).

2. Once the Major Archbishop is elected (SMC Statutes Article 6).

6.1.1. The Major Archbishop of the SMMAC is the Metropolitan of the See of Ernakulam‑Angamaly and he presides over the entire sui iuris SMMAC [of Ernakulam‑Angamaly] as Father and Head (CCEO cc. 55; 56; 151).

6.1.2. He will have all the prerogatives, rights and obligations deter­mined by the common law (CCEO cc. 78‑101, 151‑154) and the particular law of the SMMAC.

3. The Election of the Major Archbishop

6.2.1. The Major Archbishop is elected by the Synod of Bishops of the SMMAC according to the norms of cc. 63‑74; 110 § 3; 153; 947‑957.

6.2.2. The qualities mentioned in c. 180 are required for the one to be a Major Archbishop (CCEO c. 64).

4. Qualities of the Person to be Elected

C. 180 - For a person to be considered suitable for the episcopate, he must:
1° be outstanding in solid faith, good morals, piety, zeal for souls and prudence;
2° is held in good esteem;

3° not be bound by marriage bond;

4° be at least thirty-five years old;

5° be ordained presbyter for at least five years;

6° hold a doctorate or licentiate in some sacred science or at least be well versed in it.

5. Convocation of the Election Synod

6.2.3. § 1. To conduct the election of the Major Archbishop, the Synod is convoked by the Administrator of the SMMAC within two months from the vacancy of the See, at the Major Archiepiscopal residence. Any other place may be designated by the administrator with the consent of the Permanent Synod (CCEO cc. 65 §§ 1 & 2; 128, 3°).

6.2.3. § 2. During a vacancy of the Major Archiepiscopal see, the adminis­trator of the Major Archiepiscopal Church is the senior bishop according to episcopal ordination among the bishops of the Major Archiepiscopal curia or, if there are not any, among the bishops who are members of the permanent synod (CCEO c. 127).

6. Electors of the Major Archbishop

6.2.4 § 1. In the election of the Major Archbishop, all and only the members of the Synod enjoy active voice (CCEO c. 66 §1).

6.2.5 § 1.“All bishops lawfully convoked are bound by grave ob­ligation to be present at the election”( CCEO c. 68 §1).

§ 2. If a certain bishop considers himself detained by a just impediment he is to submit his reasons in writing to the Synod. The bishops who are present at the designated place in the first session of the Synod are to decide upon the legitimacy of the impediment (CCEO c. 68 §2).

6.2.6. “Once the convocation has taken place according to the can­ons, if two third of the bishops who are obliged to be present at the Synod, excluding those who are detained by a legitimate impediment, are present at the designated location, the Synod is to be declared canonical and can proceed with the election” (CCEO c. 69). (Our Church has 46 eligible elector bishops. For serious reasons three or four may have to be excluded with legitimate impediment. If the number is going to be 42, then for two third majority, one person has to get 28 votes and if in the end with absolute majority, 22 votes).

7. During the Election in the Synodal Hall?

6.2.4 § 2. “It is forbidden for anyone other than the members of the Synod to be present in the synodal hall during the election of the Major Archbishop, except those clerics who are admitted as tellers or notary of the Synod ac­cording to the norms of canon 71 § 1” (c. 66 § 2).

§ 3. It is not allowed for anyone either before or during the Synod to interfere in the election of the Major Archbishop (CCEO c. 66 §3).

8. Election Process

6.2.7. The Synod in its first session shall elect the one who is to preside over the synod for the election of the Major Arch­bishop; until then the presidency is reserved to the adminis­trator of the SMMAC (CCEO c. 70).

6.2.8. The presiding Bishop with the consent of the permanent synod can allow a notary, and if needed two other clerics as tellers to help the members in the proceedings with due regard for cc. 66 §§2, 3, and 71.

6.2.9. All those who are present at the Synod are bound by serious obligation of observing secrecy concerning those matters that directly or indirectly concern the balloting (CCEO c. 71 § 2).

6.2.10 § 1. During the ballot the one who obtains two‑third of the votes is elected Major Archbishop, if after five ballots no one gets the required number of votes, absolute majority would be sufficient in the sixth and seventh ballots; but if no one gets absolute majority even in the seventh ballot according to c. 183 §§ 3,4, the votes are cast in the eighth ballot for only those two candidates who have secured the highest number of votes in the seventh ballot (CCEO c. 72 §1).

§ 2. If because of a tied vote, it is not established who the candidates are for the new ballot or who has been elected, the tie is decided in favour of him who is sen­ior according to episcopal ordination if both are bish­ops, and according to the presbyteral ordination if ei­ther of them is a priest. If no one precedes the other in Episcopal or presbyteral ordination as referred, the one who is senior in age (CCEO c. 193 §4).

§3. “If the election is not carried out within fifteen days from the opening of the Synod, the matter devolves upon the Roman Pontiff." (CCEO c. 72 §2)

9. After the Election

6.2.11 § 1. If the one who is elected is at least a legitimately proclaimed bishop, the presiding officer, or if the presiding officer is elected, the senior bishop according to the episcopal ordination, in the name of the entire Synod, is immediately to communicate the election to the one who is elected according to the formula and manner decided by the Synod.

§2. However, if the one who is elected is not yet a lawfully proclaimed bishop, secrecy is to be observed by every­one who is in any way knows the result of the election even towards the one elected. Meanwhile the Synod is suspended, and the intimation is made after executing all canonical requirements for the episcopal proclama­tion as per cc. 184 or 185 (CCEO c. 73).

§ 3. After this, the result of the election of the Major Arch­bishop is communicated secretly to him who is elected.

6.2.12. Within two available days after the intimation the one who is elected must inform in writing whether he accepts the election. If he does not accept or does not respond within two days, he loses all the rights acquired by the election (cc. 74 & 957).

6.2.13. After the acceptance by the one who is elected the Synod must inform the Roman Pontiff, through a Synodal letter, of the canonical conduct of the election; the one who is elected must in a letter signed in his own hand, request the confirmation of his election from the Roman Pontiff (CCEO c. 153 §2).

6.2.14. After having obtained the confirmation, the one who is elected must, in the presence of the Synod, make a profession of faith and promise to discharge faithfully his office; after that his proclamation and enthronement are to be car­ried out. In case, the one who is elected is not yet an ordained bishop, the enthronement cannot validly be done before he receives the episcopal ordination. If, however, the confirmation is denied, a new election is to be con­ducted within the time established by the Roman Pontiff (CCEO c. 153 §§3 & 4).

10. The bishops who all can vote:

All and only ordained bishops of the Syro-Malabar dioceses can vote for the major archbishop. Hence the Bishops of all 29 Syro-Malabar dioceses 18 inside the territorial boundaries, 11 outside the territorial foundries including Chicago have voting power, including the curia bishop, emeritus bishops and auxiliary bishops.

11. The Syro-Malabar Eparchies and Number of Bishops

Total Sees .......................................................: 29

Metropolitan Sees .........................................: 05

Eparchial Sees ...............................................: 24

Inside the proper territory...........................: 18

Outside the proper territory........................: 11(1 Eparchy outside India)

Inside the proper territory: Badravathi, Belthangady, Changanacherry, Ernakulam-Angamaly, Idukki, Irinjalakuda, Kanjirapally, Kothamangalam, Kottyam, Mananthavady, Mandya, Palai, Palakkad, Ramanadhapuram, Tellicherry, Thamarassery, Thuckalay and Trichur.

Outside the proper territory:

Adilabad, Bijnor, Chanda, Gorakhpur, Jagdalpur, Kalyan, Rajkot, Sagar, Satna, Ujjain and St. Thomas Diocese in Chicago.

The Church has 46 bishops: Archbishops: 4, Diocesan Bishops: 24, Curial Bishop: 1, Auxiliaries: 4, Retired: 13 (3 Archbishops +10 Bishops)

12. Can anyone be elected including the Emeritus bishops?

It is presumed that the Major Archbishop should be a priest of Syro-Malabar origin. Hence the new major archbishop can be anyone who is working any part of the world, including the priests or bishops from Syro-Malabar Church who are working in the Latin dioceses or nuncios who are in the diplomatic service of the Catholic Church. As the retirement age is not applicable in the case of a Major Archbishop, the code does not prohibit even the emeritus bishops getting elected.


Guidance of the Holy Spirit and Strict observance of the Canon Law should be the guiding principles of the election. All the Syro-Malabarians have a great duty to pray so that the Major Archbishop is elected by the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Syro-Malabar Church: Before the Election of a New Major Archbishop

Vision and Mission Clarification:

In the Order of Priorities

1) What is the Vision of our Church?

2) What are the Mission Targets to achieve the vision?

3) Who will be the Best Person to accomplish the Vision and the Mission?

Vision Clarification and Mission Targets:

a) Target oriented and time bound.

b) One day is to be set apart for the clarification of the Vision and Mission of the Church before the election. For the Vision Clarification, it is good to invite some experts and examine what the Church expects from the leadership.

c) The highlights of the areas to deal with: Pastoral Field; Our Families, Our Youth, Evangelization, Mission, Spiritual Growth, Migrant’s issues, Administrative improvements, Socio-Political Field, Integral social development, etc.

d) For the materialization of the vision and mission, we need to articulate the Long term (like Vision 2020 or 2025 or 2030) and short term goals.

If the time is not yet matured to have such vision and mission clarification, it is good to clarify at least the short term and long term priorities and challenges of our Church.

Who is the best person to accomplish the Vision and Mission?

1. Work of the Holy Spirit accomplished through the Human Hands:

a. There should be Openness to the work of the Holy Spirit.

b. With the letter of the announcement of the dates of the election synod, the Administrator is to ask the entire Church to pray for the election of the new Major Archbishop and for the Church.

c. The priests, religious, seminarians, various institutions, etc. are to conduct adoration and special prayers in this regard.

d. All the parishes are to recite a prepared prayer after the Holy Qurbana and the families during their family prayer (The prayer can be prepared by the Curia and send to the dioceses and the implementation can be made the duty of the dioceses).

e. The electors are to be able to listen to the Holy Spirit soon after the vision and mission clarification session. It is suggested to have a retreat of a day or two to pray and to listen to the Holy Spirit.

2. Some Elementary Principles of the Election:

a. Guiding Principle: ‘Continuity and Change’, ‘Preservation of the Faith and Rite’, or something else can be promoted as the Guiding principle of the elections. If possible, the captions should reflect that we are Catholics from apostolic times, having had the Law of Thomas, need to safeguard the deposit of faith. At the same time, with required openness should be ready for an organic change sensing the signs of times.

b. Transparent process: As the election is done for the first time, the procedural law except those confidential matters is to be made known to the public for the transparency.

c. Communications: The media has to be given correct information if needed by the Spokespersons elected by the Synod for the election. This will help to avoid all sorts of rumors. The channels and the new papers are to be made alert and invited to give correct information regarding the same.

d. Social Element of the Election: It should be made an event of not only the SMCians but also of the whole society like the religious and political world. It is good to have a solemn entry to the election synod and a solemn announcement of the election.

e. Credibility: Strictly observe the laws of the Church regarding each and every small thing, so that everyone feels that the process was perfect and just.

These lines are written after prayer and reflection in the light of the Administrative Canons of the Church.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Syro-Malabar Church - New Major Archbishop Election Synod Members

N.B: Date of Birth wise list is prepared as per the www.catholic-hierarchy.org These who celebrate birthday in April, are counted to have completed one more year. Mistakes, deeply regretted.

Date of Birth Age Position Name
1. 03/11/1921 89 Retd. Bishop of Ujjain Mar John Perumattam MST
2. 21/11/1922 88 Retd. Bishop of Satna Mar Abraham Mattam VC
3. 10/04/1927 84 Retd. Bishop of Palai Mar Joseph Pallikaparampil
4. 11/09/1928 82 Retd. Archbishop of Kottayam Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry
5. 20/02/1930 81 Retd. Bishop of Kanjirapilly Mar Mathew Vattackuzhy
6. 19/03/1930 81 Retd. Bishop of Sagar Mar Joseph Pastor Neelankavil, CMI
7. 14/08/1930 80 Retd. Archbishop of Changanassery Mar Joseph Powathil
8. 13/12/1930 80 Retd. Archbishop of Trichur Mar Jacob Thoomkuzhy
9. 23/02/1932 79 Retd. Bishop of Gorakhpur Mar Dominic Kokkat CST
10. 15/05/1933 77 Retd. Bishop of Bijnor Mar Gratian Mundadan, CMI
11. 06/05/1933 77 Retd. Bishop of Rajkot Mar Gregory Karottembrel CMI
12. 07/02/1934 77 Retd. Bishop of Thamarassery Mar Paul Chittilapilly
13. 26/07/1934 76 Retd. Bishop of Irinjalakuda Mar James Pazhayattil
14. 11/10/1935 75 Bishop of Jagdalpur Mar Simon Stock Palathara CMI
15. 13/09/1936 74 Bishop of Kothamangalam Mar George Punnakottil
16. 10/09/1937 73 Aux .Bishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly Mar Thomas Chakiath
17. 16/09/1938 72 Archbishop of Thalassery Mar George Valiamattam
18. 24/09/1938 72 Bishop of Chanda Mar Vijay Anand Nedumpuram CMI
19. 08/09/1939 71 Bishop of Adilabad Mar Joseph Kunnath CMI
20. 30/07/1941 69 Bishop of Sagar Mar Antony Chirayath
21. 23/09/1942 68 Bishop of Idukki Mar Mathew Anikuzhikattil
22. 08/09/1943 67 Bishop of Bijnor Mar John Vadakkel CMI
23. 10/12/1944 66 Bishop of Kanjirappally Mar Mathew Arackal
24. 19/04/1945 66 Bishop of Thuckalay Mar George Alencherry
25. 26/09/1945 65 Bishop of Chicago Mar Jacob Angadiath
26. 23/12/1945 65 Bishop of Satna Mar Mathew Vaniakizakel VC
27. 28/05/1946 64 Curial Bishop/Administrator Mar Bosco Puthur
28. 23/06/1946 64 Bishop of Mandya Mar George Njaralakkatt
29. 22/02/1947 64 Bishop of Palghat Mar Jacob Manathodath
30. 22/04/1947 64 Bishop of Gorakhpur Mar Thomas Thuruthimattam CST
31. 05/07/1948 62 Archbishop of Changanacherry Mar Joseph Perumthottam
32. 28/03/1950 61 Bishop of Kalyan Mar Thomas Elavanal MCBS
33. 31/08/1951 59 Bishop of Belthangady Mar Lawrence Mukkuzhy
34. 13/12/1951 59 Archbishop of Trichur Mar Andrews Thazhath
35. 07/10/1952 58 Bishop of Ujjain Mar Sebastian Vadakkel MST
36. 27/02/1953 58 Archbishop of Kottayam Mar Mathew Moolakkattu
37. 10/12/1954 56 Bishop of Rajkot Mar Jose Chittooparambil CMI
38. 13/03/1956 55 Bishop of Mananthavady Mar Jose Porunnedom
39. 26/04/1956 55 Aux. Bishop of Trichur Mar Raphel Thattil
40. 29/11/1956 54 Bishop of Palai Mar Joseph Kallarangatt
41. 05/04/1957 54 Aux. Bishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly Mar Sebastian Adayanthrath
42. 10/04/1960 51 Bishop of Bhadravati Mar Joseph Arumachadath MCBS
43. 18/04/1961 50 Aux. Bishop of Kottayam Mar Joseph Pandarassery
44. 26/07/1961 49 Bishop of Thamarassery Mar Remigeos Inchananiyil
45. 14/12/1961 49 Bishop of Irinjalakuda Mar Pauly Kannookkadan
46. 21/04/1962 49 Bishop of Ramanathapuram Mar Paul Alappatt

Prepared by Fr. Francis Eluvathingal

Friday, 8 April 2011

Syro-Malabar Bishops to the Pope

Syro-Malabar bishop tells pope his church is treated unjustly

By Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Vatican and many of the Latin-rite bishops of India are not treating the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church with justice, and that makes the church look bad, Auxiliary Bishop Bosco Puthur of Ernakulam-Angamaly told Pope Benedict XVI.

While other Christians and other religions enjoy the freedom to build churches and conduct services anywhere in India, the Eastern Catholic churches "are denied it, paradoxically not by the state, but by our own ecclesiastical authorities," the bishop said.

Bishop Puthur, administrator of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, made his remarks to Pope Benedict April 7 at the end of the Syro-Malabar bishops' "ad limina" visits to the Vatican to report on the status of their dioceses.

Generally, the leaders of the Eastern Catholic churches such as the Syro-Malabar church enjoy full freedom to elect bishops and erect dioceses only in their church's traditional territory; otherwise, the responsibility is left to the pope, often in consultation with the Latin-rite bishops of the region concerned.

In the case of the Syro-Malabar church, Bishop Puthur told Pope Benedict that its traditional territory was all of India until Latin-rite missionaries arrived in the 15th century. Now any of its faithful living outside Kerala state are subject to the authority of the local Latin-rite bishop.

"We are convinced that it is the credibility of the Apostolic See that is at stake if this jurisdictional right is not restored to its pristine status," the bishop said.

Bishop Puthur presented five requests to Pope Benedict: the restoration of "all-India jurisdiction" to the Syro-Malabar Church; permission to establish dioceses throughout India; permission to set up archdioceses in Delhi and other large cities; the establishment of a special jurisdiction for the Persian Gulf states, in order to serve the tens of thousands of Syro-Malabar Catholics from India working in the region; action to improve the pastoral care of Syro-Malabar Catholics in Europe, Australia and other parts of the world.

The Syro-Malabar leader thanked the Latin-rite bishops of the United States and Canada for supporting the appointment in 2001 of a Chicago-based bishop for his church's faithful in North America.

The Syro-Malabar Catholic Church has about 3.7 million members around the world, Bishop Puthur said. Currently, there are 29 dioceses served by: 32,855 women religious; 3,987 diocesan priests; 3,133 religious order priests; and 745 religious brothers, he said.

In his talk to the bishops, Pope Benedict urged them to work for unity within their dioceses, in their church and with the all the bishops of India.

"This responsibility is of special importance in a country like India where the unity of the church is reflected in the rich diversity of her rites and traditions," he said.

Another area where efforts toward unity must be given priority is the family, the pope said.

"A privileged expression of sharing in the divine life is through sacramental marriage and family life," he said.

Pope Benedict said the church can no longer assume that society at large will support or supplement its efforts to provide a "sound and integral education of young people in the ways of chastity and responsibility," nor will it always reinforce a vision of marriage as a permanent bond between a man and a woman open to having and educating children.

"Have your families look to the Lord and his saving word for a complete and truly positive vision of life and marital relations, so necessary for the good of the whole human family," he said. "Let your preaching and catechesis in this field be patient and constant."
The Syro-Malabar Bishops meet the Pope / Holy Father in AD LIMINA


VATICAN CITY, 7 APR 2011 (VIS) - This morning the Holy Father received in audience a group of bishops of the Syro-Malabar rite, on their "ad limina" visit.

At the beginning of his discourse, the Pope remembered cardinal Varkey Vithayathil, C.SS.R., major archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly of the Syro-Malabars, who died last Friday 1 April at the age of 83.

Benedict XVI, addressing the prelates in English, said that their visit to Rome was "a precious opportunity to give thanks to God for the gift of communion in the apostolic faith and in the life of the Spirit which unites you among yourselves and with your people".

"Each Bishop, for his part", he continued, "is called to be a minister of unity in his particular church and within the universal Church. This responsibility is of special importance in a country like India where the unity of the Church is reflected in the rich diversity of her rites and traditions. I encourage you to do all you can to continue to foster the communion between yourselves and all Catholic Bishops throughout the world, and to be the living expression of that fellowship among your priests and faithful".

Recalling St. Paul's "gentle command" for brotherly love, the Pope emphasised that "within this mystery of loving communion, a privileged expression of sharing in the divine life is through sacramental marriage and family life. The rapid and dramatic changes which are a part of contemporary society throughout the world bring with them not only serious challenges, but new possibilities to proclaim the liberating truth of the Gospel message to transform and elevate all human relationships".

The Holy Father affirmed that the support of the bishops, priests and communities "for the sound and integral education of young people in the ways of chastity and responsibility will not only enable them to embrace the true nature of marriage, but will also benefit Indian culture as a whole". He emphasised that "the Church can no longer count on the support of society at large to promote the Christian understanding of marriage as a permanent and indissoluble union ordered to procreation and the sanctification of the spouses", and added, "Let your preaching and catechesis in this field be patient and constant".

Referring to "the various communities of men and women religious who devote themselves to the service of God and their neighbour", the Pope underlined that "the vocation to religious life and the pursuit of perfect charity is attractive in every age, but it should be nourished by a constant spiritual renewal which is to be fostered by superiors who devote great care to the human, intellectual and spiritual formation of their fellow religious".

"Furthermore, by its nature, formation is never completed, but is ongoing and must be an integral part of the daily life of each individual and community. Much needs to be done in this area, utilising the many resources available in your Church, above all through deeper training in the practice of prayer, the particular spiritual and liturgical traditions of the Syro-Malabar rite, and the intellectual demands of a solid pastoral practice".

Benedict XVI concluded by encouraging the bishops to "plan effectively for such a solid ongoing formation, so that religious men and women continue to be powerful witnesses to the presence of God in the world and to our eternal destiny, so that the complete gift of self to God through religious life may shine with all its beauty and purity before men".
AL/ VIS 20110407 (580)
Published by VIS - Holy See Press Office - Thursday, April 07, 2011

Friday, 1 April 2011


VATICAN CITY, 1 APR 2011 (VIS) - The Holy Father has sent a telegram to
Bishop Bosco Puthur of the Major Archiepiscopal Curia of Ernakulam-Angamaly
of the Syro-Malabars, India, for the death at the age of 83 of Cardinal
Varkey Vithayathil C.SS.R., Major Archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly.

"I was deeply saddened to hear of the death of Cardinal Varkey
Vithayathil, Major Archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly. I offer you, the
clergy, religious and lay faithful of the entire Syro-Malabar Church my
deepest condolences and the assurance of my prayers. I recall with gratitude
the cardinal's dedication and service to the Syro-Malabars and to the
universal Church. I join you and all who mourn him, including the members of
the late cardinal's family, in commending his soul to the infinite mercy of
God our loving Father. To all assembled for the solemn funeral liturgy, I
cordially impart my apostolic blessing as a pledge of consolation and
strength in the Lord".

His Beatitude Mar Varkey Cardinal Vithayathil Passed Away

His Beatitude Mar Varkey Cardinal Vithayathil Passed Away

The Major Archbishop of Syro Malabar Church His Beatitude Varkey Cardinal Vithyathil passed away at 2.30 at Ernakulam today on 1st April 2011 at the age of 84. Mar Vithayathil, who had been suffering from cardiac ailments for quite some time, was admitted to a private hospital around noon. He was celebrating Holy Mass at the Private chapel of the Bishop’s House by noon and after receiving Holy Communion he felt sick and he was rushed to the Hospital.

Present Situation of the Church Hierarchy
As per the Eastern Canon Law, the Curial Bishop, Mar Bosco Puthur will be the Administrator of the Church. He has to do all the necessary things for the funeral and conduct an election Synod of the Bishops and elect a new Major Archbishop.
At present all the bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church, including the administer Mar Bosco Puthur, are in Rome. Ad limina visit is scheduled once in every five years in Rome where all the bishops will meet the pope to brief about the happenings of their dioceses and the Church. 36 bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church will meet the pope of 7th April 2011 and then they will return to Kerala where the funeral of the Cardinal will take place.

The ad limina visit of the Bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church began on 28 March 2011. Ad limina apostolorum, the term more properly used (Latin, meaning "to the threshold of the Apostles") was originally, in the Middle Ages, a reference to a pilgrimage to the tombs of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Rome.

Person Mar Varkey Vithayathil
Mar Varkey Vithayathil was appointed the Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Church and as the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly by His Holiness Pope John Paul II on December 23, 1999.

Cardinal Vithayathil was born to the pious parents Thresiamma and Justice Joseph Vithayathil at North Parur on May 29, 1927. He had his school education at North Parur and Thiruvanathapuram, and his college education at University College Thiruvanathapuram, and St. Joseph College, Trichy.

Varkey Vithayathil, who joined Redemptorist Order, was ordained Priest on June 12, 1954. In 1955 he went to Rome for his studies in Canon Law at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) from where he took doctorate in 1959 on “The Origin and Progress of the Syro-Malabar Hierarchy”. After coming back from Rome, Dr. Varkey Vithayathil served as professor of Canon Law for about 25 years at the Redemptorist Major Seminary, Bangalore. In 1972 he took his Master’s Degree in Philosophy from Karnataka University. He also taught different subjects in several other Seminaries in Bangalore. He served as the Provincial Superior of the Redemptorist Order from 1978 to ’84, and as president of the CRI from 1984 to ’85. He was appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Benedictine Monastery in Bangalore (1990-96) by His Holiness Pope John Paul II. On 18th December 1996 Rev. Dr. Varkey Vithayathil was nominated Titular Bishop of “Antinoe” and the Apostolic Administrator of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church and of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly. He was consecrated bishop in Rome by His Holiness Pope John Paul II on 6th January 1997. He assumed charge of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church and of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly on 18th January 1997.

His Beatitude Mar Varkey Cardinal Vithayathil Expired

His Beatitude Mar Varkey Cardinal Vithayathil Expired

The Major Archbishop of Syro Malabar Church His Beatitude Varkey Cardinal Vithyathil passed away at 2.30 at Ernakulam today on 1st April 2011 at the age of 84. Mar Vithayathil, who had been suffering from cardiac ailments for quite some time, was admitted to a private hospital around noon. He was celebrating Holy Mass at the Private chapel of the Bishop’s House by noon and after receiving Holy Communion he felt sick and he was rushed to the Hospital.

Present Situation of the Church Hierarchy
As per the Eastern Canon Law, the Curial Bishop, Mar Bosco Puthur will be the Administrator of the Church. He has to do all the necessary things for the funeral and conduct an election Synod of the Bishops and elect a new Major Archbishop.
At present all the bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church, including the administer Mar Bosco Puthur, are in Rome. Ad limina visit is scheduled once in every five years in Rome where all the bishops will meet the pope to brief about the happenings of their dioceses and the Church. 36 bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church will meet the pope of 7th April 2011 and then they will return to Kerala where the funeral of the Cardinal will take place.

The ad limina visit of the Bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church began on 28 March 2011. Ad limina apostolorum, the term more properly used (Latin, meaning "to the threshold of the Apostles") was originally, in the Middle Ages, a reference to a pilgrimage to the tombs of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Rome.

Person Mar Varkey Vithayathil
Mar Varkey Vithayathil was appointed the Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Church and as the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly by His Holiness Pope John Paul II on December 23, 1999.

Cardinal Vithayathil was born to the pious parents Thresiamma and Justice Joseph Vithayathil at North Parur on May 29, 1927. He had his school education at North Parur and Thiruvanathapuram, and his college education at University College Thiruvanathapuram, and St. Joseph College, Trichy.

Varkey Vithayathil, who joined Redemptorist Order, was ordained Priest on June 12, 1954. In 1955 he went to Rome for his studies in Canon Law at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) from where he took doctorate in 1959 on “The Origin and Progress of the Syro-Malabar Hierarchy”. After coming back from Rome, Dr. Varkey Vithayathil served as professor of Canon Law for about 25 years at the Redemptorist Major Seminary, Bangalore. In 1972 he took his Master’s Degree in Philosophy from Karnataka University. He also taught different subjects in several other Seminaries in Bangalore. He served as the Provincial Superior of the Redemptorist Order from 1978 to ’84, and as president of the CRI from 1984 to ’85. He was appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Benedictine Monastery in Bangalore (1990-96) by His Holiness Pope John Paul II. On 18th December 1996 Rev. Dr. Varkey Vithayathil was nominated Titular Bishop of “Antinoe” and the Apostolic Administrator of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church and of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly. He was consecrated bishop in Rome by His Holiness Pope John Paul II on 6th January 1997. He assumed charge of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church and of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly on 18th January 1997.

Mar Varkey Cardinal Vithayathil Expired

On April 1, 2011, Mar Vithayathil expired due to prolonged heart problems at Lisie Hospital in Ernakulam.

Mar Varkey Vithayathil, C.S.S.R (b. 29 May 1927, North Paravur, Ernakulam District, Kerala, India- April 1,2011) is an Indian cardinal of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, serving as Major Archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly and head of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. He is also a member of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.

Early life and ordination
Born of Thresiamma and Justice Joseph Vithayathil in Parur, India, he became a member of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists), a religious order in the Roman Catholic Church, founded by Saint Alphonsus Ligouri in 1732. He was ordained as a priest in 1954. He holds a doctorate in canon law from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome on "The Origin and Progress of the Syro-Malabar Hierarchy". He taught for 25 years at the Redemptorist seminary in Bangalore. In 1972 he took his Master's Degree in Philosophy from Karnataka University. He also taught different subjects in several other seminaries in Bangalore.

Provincial Superior
From 1978 to 1984 he was Provincial Superior of the Redemptorist provinces in India and Sri Lanka, from 1984 to 1985 he was President of the India Conference of Religious, and from 1990 to 1996 he was appointed as the Apostolic Administrator of the Asirvanam Benedictine Monastery in Bangalore by Pope John Paul II.

He was appointed Apostolic Administrator of Ernakulam-Angamaly on 11 November 1996 and was ordained Bishop on 6 January 1997, taking the archiepiscopal titular see of Ohrid. A year later his titular see was transferred to Ckeikh-Abadeh, but he remained the administrator of the vacant Ernakulam-Angamaly archdiocese. Pope John Paul II appointed Vithayathil Major Archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly for Syro-Malabars on 18 December 1999, and Cardinal-Priest of Titulus San Bernardo alle Terme on 21 February 2001. As Major Archbishop, he also serves as the President of the Synod of the Syro-Malabar Church.

Pope John Paul II nominated Varkey Vithayathil a member of the college of cardinals on 21 January 2001 and raised him to that dignity at the consistory on 21 February. His sacerdotal golden jubilee was celebrated under the auspices of the Syro-Malabar church on 8 November 2003. He was one of the cardinal electors who participated in the 2005 papal conclave that selected Pope Benedict XVI. In February 2008 he was elected President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India.

Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil Expired

കൊച്ചി: സീറോ മലബാര്‍ സഭാ മേജര്‍ ആര്‍ച്ചുബിഷപ്പ് കര്‍ദ്ദിനാള്‍ മാര്‍ വര്‍ക്കി വിതയത്തില്‍ (84) കാലം ചെയ്തു. എറണാകുളം ലിസി ആസ്പത്രിയില്‍ ആയിരുന്നു അന്ത്യം. അതിരൂപതാ ആസ്ഥാനത്തെ ചാപ്പലില്‍ കുര്‍ബാന ചൊല്ലുന്നതിനിടെ ഉച്ചയ്ക്ക് 12 ന് അദ്ദേഹം തളര്‍ന്നു വീണിരുന്നു. തുടര്‍ന്ന് ലിസി ആസ്പത്രിയിലെ തീവ്രപരിചരണ വിഭാഗത്തില്‍ പ്രവേശിപ്പിച്ചുവെങ്കിലും ജീവന്‍ രക്ഷിക്കാനായില്ല. ഹൃദ്യോഗംമൂലം ഏറെക്കാലമായി ചികിത്സയിലായിരുന്നു.

കേരളത്തിലെ മൂന്നാമത്തെ കര്‍ദ്ദിനാള്‍ ആയിരുന്നു മാര്‍ വര്‍ക്കി വിതയത്തില്‍. 2001 ജനവരി 21 നാണ് ജോണ്‍ പോള്‍ രണ്ടാമന്‍ മാര്‍പ്പാപ്പ അദ്ദേഹത്തെ കര്‍ദ്ദിനാളായി നിയമിച്ചത്. ബനഡിക്ട് പതിനാറാമന്‍ മാര്‍പാപ്പയെ തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത കര്‍ദ്ദിനാള്‍മാരുടെ സംഘത്തില്‍ മാര്‍ വര്‍ക്കി വിതയത്തിലും ഉള്‍പ്പെട്ടിരുന്നു. ബിഷപ്‌സ് കോണ്‍ഫറന്‍സ് ഓഫ് ഇന്ത്യയുടെ പ്രസിഡന്റായി പ്രവര്‍ത്തിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്.

1927 മെയ് 29 ന് എറണാകുളം ജില്ലയിലെ വടക്കന്‍ പറവൂരിലാണ് ജനനം. ജസ്റ്റിസ് ജോസഫ് വിതയത്തില്‍, ത്രേസ്യാമ്മ എന്നിവരായിരുന്നു മാതാപിതാക്കള്‍. 1954 ല്‍ വൈദികനായ അദ്ദേഹം 1996 നവംബര്‍ 11 ന് എറണാകുളം അങ്കമാലി രൂപതയുടെ അപ്പസ്‌തോലിക് അഡ്മിനിസ്‌ട്രേറ്ററും 1997 ജനവരി ആറിന് ബിഷപ്പുമായി. 1999 ഡിസംബര്‍ 18 ന് അദ്ദേഹത്തെ മേജര്‍ ആര്‍ച്ചുബിഷപ്പായി മാര്‍പാപ്പ നിയമിച്ചു.

കര്‍ദ്ദിനാള്‍ വര്‍ക്കി വിതയത്തിലിന്റെ ഭൗതികശരീരം ആസ്പത്രിയില്‍

റോമിലെ സെന്റ് തോമസ് അക്വിനാസ് പൊന്തിഫിക്കല്‍ യൂണിവേഴ്‌സിറ്റിയില്‍നിന്ന് കാനന്‍ നിയമത്തില്‍ ഡോക്ടറേറ്റ് ലഭിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. കര്‍ണാടക യൂണിവേഴ്‌സിറ്റിയില്‍ നിന്നാണ് ബിരുദാനന്തര ബിരുദമെടുത്തത്. ബാംഗ്ലൂരിലെ വൈദിക സെമിനാരിയില്‍ 25 വര്‍ഷക്കാലം അധ്യാപകനായി പ്രവര്‍ത്തിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. കര്‍ദ്ദിനാള്‍ ജോസഫ് പാറേക്കാട്ടില്‍, ആന്റണി പടിയറ എന്നിവരുടെ പിന്‍ഗാമി ആയിരുന്നു അദ്ദേഹം.

ലിസി ആസ്പത്രിയില്‍ എംബാം ചെയ്തശേഷം അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ ഭൗതികദേഹം അങ്കമാലി ലിറ്റില്‍ ഫ്ലവര്‍ ആസ്പത്രിയിലേക്ക് മാറ്റും. റോമില്‍ മാര്‍പാപ്പയെ സന്ദര്‍ശിക്കുന്ന സഭയിലെ ബിഷപ്പുമാര്‍ ഏപ്രില്‍ പത്തിന് മടങ്ങിയെത്തിയശേഷമെ കബറടക്ക ശുശ്രൂഷകള്‍ നടക്കൂ. ഭൗതികദേഹം ഏപ്രില്‍ പത്തുവരെ ലിറ്റില്‍ ഫ്ലവര്‍ ആസ്പത്രി മോര്‍ച്ചറിയില്‍ സൂക്ഷിക്കും. ഫാ. ബോസ്‌കോ പുത്തൂരിന് സീറോ മലബാര്‍ സഭാ അഡ്മിനിസ്‌ട്രേറ്ററുടെ താല്‍ക്കാലിക ചുമതല നല്‍കുമെന്ന് സഭാ വക്താവ് ഫാ. പോള്‍ തേലക്കാട്ട് മാധ്യമ പ്രവര്‍ത്തകരോട് പറഞ്ഞു.