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Trichur / Mumbai, Kerala / Maharashtra, India

Saturday, 15 May 2010

60th Birthday of Mar Thomas Elavanal, Bishop of Kalyan
On 17th April 2010 at Little Flower Church, Nerual
Welcome Speech

All glory to God’s name and a very good evening to one and all.

Honorable and Respected Dignitaries on the dias and off the dias, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure and privilege to extend a warm welcome to the dignitaries and to one and all to this dignified public meeting on the occasion of the 60th Birthday celebration of our “Father and Head” Mar Thomas Elavanal. God was gracious enough to give a special gift to the world 60 years ago through the person of our beloved bishop Mar Thomas Elavanal.

This evening we are seated in a beautiful garden, realistically speaking a garden with its natural beauty and allegorically speaking a garden of the most beautiful, fragrant, expensive, and powerful flowers of Maharashtra and outside.

The president of today’s meeting is His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias. Rev. Fr. Kuriakose Kalaparambath the parish priest of Little Flower Church garlands now the Cardinal. Cardinal Gracias was recently elected President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India and he is the Metropolitan Archbishop of Bombay and hence he is also our Archbishop. His gracious presence is a great inspiration for all of us. A very hearty welcome to you Cardinal Gracias.

Mar Thomas Elavanal, the centre of attraction of the day, is garlanded by Mr. Varghese V.I., (Trustee, Little Flower Parish, Nerul). Our bishop did not want any such celebration in his honour. But the diocese wanted to have this celebration making good use of this occasion together with the ecclesiastical, political, bureaucratic and civil leaders of Maharashtra. To the Sashtipoorthi celebrations of its Head, the diocese of Kalyan extends you a warm welcome.

Hearty welcome to today’s chief guests Honorable Ministers Shri Ganeshji Naik (Excise Minister of MS) and Mr. Mohammad Arif Naseem Khan (Minister of Textiles & Minorities Development of MS).

Shri Ganeshji Naik is garlanded by Mr. Jose Mathew (Asst. General Convener, Celebration). Shri Ganeshji Naik is the man of Navi Mumbai and a great friend of our Diocese. He had been to our communities on various occasions. Welcome again to you to our midst Sir.

Mr. Mohammad Arif Naseem Khan is garlanded by Mr. PKX Thomas, Secretary of Pithruvedi. Mr. Mohammad Arif Naseem Khan has a charming personality. As the minister for minorities development you are our Minister and we have great hope in you. We greet you officially for the first time and we hope to have best time together. A very warm welcome to you dear sir.

His Grace Geevarghese Mar Coorilose (Metropolitan, Orthodox Syrian Church) is garlanded by Rev. Father who represents our 4 missions. His Grace Geevarghese Mar Coorilose is a great spiritual head and visionary bishop. Mar Koorilose is well known to this community and a close friend of the diocese of Kalyan. Welcome to you Archbishop to share our warmth once again.

V. Rev. Msgr. Jacob Porathur, the Vicar General of the diocese of Kalyan, is garlanded by Rev. Sr. Zeena, Sister Superior, Apostolic Oblates, Nerul. Fr. Jacob is the Chairman of this celebration committee. He has made this day possible under his able leadership. Most welcome dear Msgr.

Mr. Nakul Patil (CIDCO, Chairman) is garlanded by Fr. Jinto Edattukunnel. Mr. Patil has been gracious to stretch out his helping hand for the development of our community in Navi Mumbai. Welcome to you Sir with lots of warmth.

Dr. Abraham Mathai (Vice-Chairman, Minority Commission) garlanded by Mr. Roy J Kottaram. He is always there in all the needs and generously extends his whole hearted support to us. With much love, we would like to express our hearty welcome to him.

Mr. Sanjeev Naik, Member of Parliament is garlanded by Mr. George Joseph (Ex-Pastoral Council Secretary). We have found a very helpful personality in Mr. Sanjeev Naik and very nice of you that you came on this occasion. Hearty welcome to you sir.

In the year of women reservation, Mrs. Annie Shekhar, MLA of Maharashtra is garlanded by Mrs. Lissy Jose (Ex-President, Kalyan Mathrusangam). We are proud of you as you are the only MLA who can speak Malayalam in the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly. Mrs. Annie Madam thinu hrudyamaya swagatham.

Mr. Johny Joseph, Upa-Lokayukta, a great son of our Church is garlanded by Mr. P J Joseph (Leader, celebration committee). Mr. Johny Joseph have rendered his effective service to Maharashtra as Chief Secretary in the last years and now continue your services. Wishing you all the best for your future service, we whole heartedly welcome you to our midst.

Mrs. Thanksy F. Thekkekara IAS (Principal Secretary, Ministry of Minorities Development) is garlanded by Mrs. Molly the President, Mathrusangam Navi Mumbai, Zone. Beign a great member of our community, she has service the state as well as the Church in the places she could render her service. We are indebted toyou madam and a hearty welcome to our midst.

Mr. Vijay Nahate the Municipal Commissioner, of Navi Mumbai and Mr. Gulab Rao Pol, the Police commissioner of Navi Mumbai is garlanded by Mr. Tomy and T.J Joseph committee member of KKK respectively. Sirs, we are edified by your presence and encouragement. Hearty welcome to both of you.

Mr. Thomas Mathew (Managing Director, LIC of India) is garlanded by Mr. Jose M.A. (Chairman, Kalyan Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service) and Mr. P.M. Mathew (Commissioner Provident Fund, Maharashtra) is garlanded by Mr. Immauel Joseph, coordinator of Jesus Youth. They are the Faithful servants of our Nation and our Church, you stand as pillars and great role models to us. Hearty welcome to both of you to this beautiful evening.

Dr. K.K. Damodaran who is the President of Sree Narayana Mandir Samithi is garlanded by Mr. C.J. Nelson, (Zonal Secretary, Navi Mumbai Zone). We are happy to have various religious leaders on the dias to be a symbol of our mutual love and respect and peaceful co-existence. A very sincere and warm welcome to you to our midst.

Mrs. Alice Johnson; Mr. Sabu Daniel; Mr. Sunny Thomas and Mr. Vinod Shekhar is garlanded by Mrs. Mary Antony (KLM, Vice-President); Mr. Savio George (celebration committee leader); Bro. Jerine Chitilappilly and Savio Varghese Zonal youth rep. respectively. You are always there with us and we are always with you. That is our bond and that is our relationship. You are most welcome among us.
Rev. Dr. Zacharias Elavanal elder brother of our beloved bishop is garlanded by Mrs Sara Anto, Catechism Head teacher Koperkairne. He is the Ex-Provincial, MCBS and Social Action Director of MCBS in Bhadrawadhi diocese. He has been kind enough to come over here from Kerala to take part in the function. Hearty welcome you to your brother’s diocese.

Dr. James Thomas, Vice chancellor of D.Y. Patil University is garlanded by our newly ordained deacon Nixon Pallan. Inspite of his busy schedule during the IPL, he finds time to be with us always his cordial relations and amiable smile. We have owned each other and work together comfortably well. A very pleasant welcome to you sir.

Mrs. Grace Pinto (Managing Director, Ryan International group of institutions) a woman of vision and action is garlanded by Rev. Sr. Betty ASI, Programme Co-ordinator of Social Action department. The Pinto family is very much dear and near to us and their readiness to help our communities with their space is commendable. Our inbedtedness is in our heart and with much love we welcome you in our midst.

Mr. P.J. Mathew (President, KCA), Mr. Sasi Damodharan(Ex-NMMT Chairman) and Mr. Babu J. Panikulam (Asst. General Manager, South Indian Bank Ltd.).are garlanded by Mr. Mohan Kandathil, Mr. Antony David and Mr. Appachan, three celebration committee leaders respectively. All these three guests of honour are in one way or other related to the diocese of Kalyan. Hearty welcome to you dear sirs.

Mrs. Gracy Pathrose (Leader of celebration committee) now garlands Rev. Sr. Rani Paul SABS (Vice-President, CRI Kalyan Unit); Ms. Shobha B J (President of Jesus Nurses Fraternity) garlands now Mrs. Rosily Thomas (Pastoral Council Secretary) the first and only lady pastoral council secretary of the Syro-Malabar Church; Mr. K.L. Babu (leader of the celebration committee ) garlands now Mr. K.P. Francis (the General Convenor of the celebration committee) Mr. P.C. Antony (leader of celebration committee now garlands Mr. Sebastian Edassery (President of Kalyan Laity Movement); Mr. Joji K. another leader of the celebration committee garlands Mr. Jose Joseph(president of Pithruvedi); Ms. Annie Sunny (Diocesan Executive member of KEY) garlands now Mrs. Vimala Xavier (president of Mathrusangam) and Ms. Maggie Davis garlands Ms. Rose Ukkan (representative of Kalyan Eparchy Youth). Hearty welcome to you all to this family gathering.
Special welcome to all the dignitaries off the dais especially to Rev. Fr. Peter John; Fr. Neil (Secretary of Arch BP), etc.

I wish to extend my hearty welcome to everyone who is present at this function the mission superiors, zonal vicars, the priests from the diocese and also from the mission; other guest priests; the sisters who have come all 15 districts of Maharashtra; the seminarians; the pastoral council members; the trustees all the parishes; the diocesan executives of various departments; associations and movements. The zonal council and parish council members of Navi Mumbai zone and above all the parishioners of Nerul parish have graced this occasion by their pleasant presence. Hearty welcome to all these family members.

The kind presence so many guests, benefactors and friends have made this occasion a memorable one. We welcome you dear ones.

May I at the juncture make a very fraternal and humble suggestion to the speakers. You may please stick to the time allotted to you. We have a number of guests on the dias. As we have already introduced our honourable and respected guests on the dias, the speakers need not repeat the names of the dignitaries on the dias. This is in order to save time and this is only my humble suggestion. Thank you.

Jai Maharashtra; Jai Hind; Jai Christ.

Fr. Francis Eluvathingal
Chancellor, Diocese of Kalyan