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Trichur / Mumbai, Kerala / Maharashtra, India

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Good bye to You My dear Grand Mother
You found abode near the Lord, I pray
Your absence from us does not make me sad
Rather I thank God for taking you to HIM, Holy Woman
You are there for Me and for Us near HIM.
You were so loving on this earth to each and everyone
From 5th, you continue to love us better than ever
Do remember us always and fight with HIM for us
Let us be sure that you continue to care for us better.
Your children and grand children stood near you till the end
Unable we are to see you in person and feel your love
Your words echo in our ears and your deeds in our hearts
You were a model grandma, we are sure.
The Aim of your life of suffering and joy, last 86 years
Was to sanctify yourself and to take all your dear ones to heaven
You were the last meeting point of your generations till now
You left with us strong family foundations, joining the chain strong
YOu can be proud, being a good mother and grand mother for us
We are proud of you being unique YOU for us.